West Center Baptist Church

Bailey Belisario

Biblical Counseling Consent Form

Biblical Counseling Consent

I desire to receive counseling from West Center Biblical Counseling, in Madison, SD.  I make the following acknowledgments and agreements and give the following consents:

    1. The counseling will be given by a counselor who is trained in biblical counseling who may or may not have other certifications or degrees.
    2. The counseling I will receive is a ministry of West Center Baptist Church operating according to the church’s Statement of Faith and biblical principles. WCBC believes the Bible is sufficient to help every person receive eternal salvation and live a purposeful and hopeful life.
    3. The counseling I will receive is based on the belief that the Bible is God’s word, inerrant, and authoritative for all beliefs and behaviors.
    4. The counseling I will receive will reflect the counselor’s understanding of the Bible and how its principles apply to the questions, problems, and struggles shared.
    5. The counseling I will receive is NOT from a psychologist, psychiatrist, mental health therapist, or licensed social worker.  I will not be given legal or medical advice by the counselor but may be referred to experts in these fields when deemed needed and helpful.
    6. If not a member of West Center Baptist Church, I understand the expectation to attend weekly church services at West Center Baptist or a church recommended by West Center Baptist while being counseled.
    7. WCBC offers counseling free of charge.  Donations to the counseling ministry are accepted but not required.  I understand that the purchase of books or resources may be necessary as part of the counseling process, and I agree to pay for those resources.
    8. Because WCBC also seeks to train future counselors, trainees (those being trained in biblical counseling) may be present in a counseling session and will abide by the confidentiality statement in section.
    9. If a dispute arises concerning the counseling of WCBC, or between a counselee and counselor, or with West Center Baptist Church (“the dispute”), there shall be no lawsuit initiated and the claim cannot be filed in any state or federal civil court.  Instead, the dispute must be resolved as follows:

The parties hereby exercise their election, as provided in South Dakota’s Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements Act (Stat 21-25A-1 to 21-25-A-38) to submit any disputes or claims to Christian resolution. The parties understand that the Bible commands them to make every effort to live at peace and to resolve disputes with each other in private or within the Christian church (see Matthew 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 6:1-8). If all parties agree, the dispute can be submitted to the binding arbitration decision of agreed-upon local pastors and/or church leaders who would decide and judge between the parties, applying all relevant biblical principles. The parties understand that Christian dispute resolution methods shall be the sole remedy for any such dispute or claim. The parties further agree that if they fail to agree to submit the dispute or claim to local pastors and/or church leaders, then they hereby agree that any such claim or dispute arising from or related to the counseling at and by West Center Biblical Counseling, or with West Center Baptist Church shall be settled by legally binding Christian arbitration, in accordance with the ICC Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation of the Institute for Christian Conciliation, a division of Ambassadors of Reconciliation (844-447-2671), including its Rules as found at www.aorhope.org/icc-rules.

    1. Counseling at WCBC, including statements made during counseling, shall remain confidential, with the following qualifications and exceptions:
      1. Counselors shall be free to discuss counseling sessions and cases with other WCBC counselors and the pastors/elders of West Center Baptist Church in order to gain the benefit of additional insight and input.
      2. Counselors and pastors/elders shall be entitled to seek a confidential legal opinion or advice from an attorney when it is deemed appropriate and helpful.
      3. If any West Center Baptist policy concerning the reporting of child abuse or child neglect, or the reporting of sexual assault, or the reporting of elder abuse or elder neglect, mandates a report to Child Protective Services or other authorities in compliance with the laws of the State of South Dakota, then such a report will be made.
      4. If a suicide risk is indicated, the counselors or pastors/elders may seek necessary help and make whatever reports or disclosures they deem necessary.
      5. If a counselee indicates an intention to commit a crime, such intention may be reported and disclosed to the proper authorities.
      6. If the counselee is a member/regular attender of a local church other than West Center Baptist, and if the pastors/elders of West Center Baptist deem it necessary or helpful to communicate information or facts to the pastor of the counselee’s local church, they may do so.


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Summer Classes

Summer Classes

Parenting Class

Summer Classes Read More »

Short-Term Missions

Short-Term Missions

Witness in Word and Deed

At WCB we believe in The Great Commission. We exist to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship and community. Some may feel called to live out this discipleship through short-term missions trips. If you are interested in participating in a short-term mission trip, please find links to the application forms below.

For more information about short-term missions, contact joelbert[at]gmail.com 

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Incarnating the Love of Christ

Jesus moves toward the needy in tender compassion.  He has called his church to look for opportunities to do good to all people, especially those in the household of faith (Galations 6:10), by caring for the whole person (body and soul).  Our desire is to wisely assist those in need, moving them toward right relationship with God, self, others, and creation.


Benevolence Requests

If you need financial or material assistance, you can schedule an appointment with a deacon here. They will seek to understand your situation, give you guidance on next steps, and explain what assistance the church may be able to provide.

Hospital and Home Visits

If you or a loved one have been hospitalized, don’t hesitate to call the church for help and care. We encourage you to contact your shepherding elder, a deacon, or your Life Group for prayer and support. You can also request a hospital or home visit, here.

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Missions Philosophy

Missions Philosophy

Witness in Word and Dead

Missions Statement

Our mission is to bring the Gospel to unbelievers, both locally and internationally, with an emphasis on unreached people groups. (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Romans 15:20-21)

The core principles that guide our team and lead to the implementation of our mission statement are as follows:

  1. We facilitate the establishment of new churches and strengthen developing churches around the world. (Acts 13:2-3, 14:21-23)
  2. We support the training and equipping of cross-cultural workers to do their job well, investing in resources and tools they need. (Philippians 4:16-18, Ephesians 4:11-12)
  3. We build long-term faithful relationships with our cross-cultural workers and the local churches to whom they are ministering in order to partner with them in evangelism and discipleship. (Titus 1:5, Philippians 1:3-5)
  4. We facilitate communication between our missionaries and our congregation, to be invested in one another, to pray for specific and timely needs, and to hold each other accountable in Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:25-28, Ephesians 6:18-20, Philippians 4:14-15)
  5. We encourage and equip our congregation to be disciple-makers in their daily lives. (Matthew 28:19-20, Colossians 2:6-7, 2 Timothy 2:1-2)
  6. We prioritize support of cross-cultural workers of the North American Baptist Conference (NAB) and local ministries, particularly those individuals who have been active in our fellowship at West Center Baptist. (Philemon 1:7, 2 Corinthians 1:11, 9:7, 3 John 1:6b-8)
  7. We desire to grow in knowledge and understanding about Christian missions around the world, staying informed of current trends and research, and to communicate this information with our church family. (James 1:5-8, Philippians 1:9-11)

For more information on our missions team, contact  joelbert[at]gmail.com

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Pastoral Internship

Pastoral Internship


Thank you for your interest in the West Center Baptist Pastoral Internship.  Our hope is to train men to be future leaders and pastors in faithful, gospel-centered churches.  The goal of the Pastoral Internship is to provide a season of participation and observation in the life of our church through the lens of pastoral ministry. 

This is a one-year program specifically for men considering full-time pastoral ministry. The intership runs from July-June each year.   Interns receive a monthly stipend of $2,300 to cover living expenses.  We do our best to provide housing that meets your needs in or near Madison.  This is a full-time commitment and we expect that interns do not work outside of the internship. 

We ask that you (and your spouse) become a member at West Center so as to serve and be served in our local church.

Internship Structure and Work

A good portion of the internship is spent reading assigned books, reflecting on them, and writing reflection papers to be read by Justin DeBerry.  You have a monthly meeting with the pastors to discuss your reading, papers, and progress in the internship.  You will attend all public church gatherings, staff meeting each week, participate in weekly service reviews, attend elder meetings, observe church ministries and programs, join a Life Group, schedule time with various members and each elder, attend or teach Sunday School, preach at least once, and be available for spontaneous meetings and ministry opportunities. 

Book subjects include: the call to ministry; church history; worship; pastoral ministry; preaching; prayer; church polity; discipleship; counseling; evangelism & missions; and pastoral leadership.  We cover the cost of all your books.

You will also be asked to write a comprehensive philosophy of ministry over the course of the internship. This will help you think through the nuts and bolts of leading a church before you are called to do it.  The POM is due for your final evaluation with Justin at the end of the internship.

How to Apply

Please email your completed application to trevor.s[at]westcenterbaptist.com or mail/deliver it to our church building address in the footer. If you have any further questions or need help, reach out to us.

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Biblical Counseling

Biblical Counseling

Help for the Hurting

West Center Biblical Counseling seeks to provide transformative biblical help to anyone with questions, struggles, or problems. We believe there is life-changing power in God’s word and in the grace of Jesus Christ, whatever the struggle. We invite anyone to request an initial counseling session, no matter your religious background or beliefs.

We have male and female counselors available.  We’re able to counsel individuals 12 and older at this time. Our counselors are trained toward doctrinal integrity and the counseling philosophy of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) and the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).

We’ll match you with a biblical counselor who can help you with:

  • Marriage Problems
  • Anxiety and Fear
  • Sexual Sin
  • Addiction
  • Depression and Grief
  • Family Problems
  • Anger

Our counseling sessions take place on Thursdays at West Center Baptist Church between 3:00 and 8:00 PM.

To request an appointment, please fill out the following two forms and we will contact you to set up a time to meet with a biblical counselor.

Please email counseling[at]westcenterbaptist.com or call with any further questions.

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Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

BREAKER, ROCK, BEACH (ROMANS 12:2) – Kids will be challenged as they discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and learn to speak the truth in love. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tide pools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash up against the immovable Breaker Rock!

Drop Off/Pick Up Logistics

Please make sure to drop off your child by signing them in at the registration table at the base of the south stairs each evening. Children will need to be signed out at the end of each night.

Please DO NOT drop your child off and leave without signing them in. Thanks for your help in ensuring safety for the children!

Operation Christmas Child

This year we will be donating to Operation Christmas Child and are encouraging children to bring items to fill shoe boxes for children ages 5 – 10. VBS attendees can bring in items anytime throughout VBS. Use this link to find some ideas for items to bring for Operation Christmas Child: What Goes in My Shoebox?


We would be happy to have you volunteer! Please fill out the form here.

Further Information

Dates will be from July 14th – July 18th

Open to students going into K – 6th Grade

Music for VBS

Please check back here in Spring 2024 for updates about VBS this summer!

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College Group

College Group

Students Gathering and Growing in Christ


2nd & 4th Mondays @ 6PM
WCB Fellowship Hall


Joe & Megan Bundy
Matt & Kelsey Stone

For most, the college years are identity-forming and soul-shaping. As real life begins there is an openness to questions about God and faith and life after death. God has given us an incredible opportunity by bringing students to Madison and Dakota State from around the country and the world.  Our goal is to build relational bridges to these students so that we might reach them with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

College Group has four main elements:

Table Fellowship

We share a meal with students as a tangible expression of gospel-welcome.

Bible Teaching

We share a teaching from God’s word, centered on the person and work of Jesus.


We want an open and safe environment for students to ask questions and to patiently provide them with biblical and thoughtful answers about the nature of Christianity and how to live it out.


The gospel brings inward transformation that turns us outward.  Students have a rare opportunity to make big life decisions driven by the Great Commission.

Please join us in praying that our students might know Jesus and grow in their understanding of who he is and what he has done for them.

You can volunteer to bring a meal (and stay for evening) here: College Group Meal Train

Want to get connected?

Join our slack channel! We use this as our main form of communication for our college group events and information. Feel free to download the app here. To join, request an invite code from Matt (605) 270-3763 or Megan (605) 660-5698 or email Bailey (bailey.b[at]westcenterbaptist.com) and we will get you plugged in!

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