Welcome, We're Glad You're Here
Welcome to West Center Baptist Church. We are a historically Christian church seeking to renew the body of Christ in the ancient gospel of Jesus Christ. We are sincerely grateful for the opportunity to encourage you and welcome you into fellowship at West Center.
Join Us On Sunday
Service Starts at 9:30 AM
Madison, SD 57042
Click the button below to find the livestream.
Upcoming Events
Super Summer Sunday Study the Second Squared
Join the Summer Study Squad beginning May 26th and continuing throughout the summer (second and fourth Sundays). The study is for students currently in 3rd-5th grade and will meet in the fellowship hall from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. with lunch provided.
Pastoral Internship
Our hope is to train men to be future leaders and pastors in faithful, gospel-centered churches. The goal of the Pastoral Internship is to provide a season of participation and observation in the life of our church through the lens of pastoral ministry.
Sunday, February 9th at 12:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Free will offering will help offset the costs of events, retreats, and conferences. Bring your best chili/soup to enter a contest to win a prize for the spiciest, most unique, or best overall soup. Students bring a dessert to share and stay to help serve and clean up.
Life Groups
Life Groups are a context for all generations walk together in pursuing Jesus and his glory. Our culture has never been more fragmented and isolated, leaving us yearning for real community even as we seek it in the wrong places.
Secret Church 2025
Friday, April 11th at 5:30 p.m. Join us for an evening of livestream teaching and prayer. A meal will be provided and a time of fellowship at 5:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Prayer and the live stream will begin at 6:00 p.m. Suggested donation of $15 to cover registration, guided scripture journal, and food. To sign up please go to the e-mail that was sent out earlier. Feel free to bring a snack or dessert to share. Please register by Sunday, March 30th to ensure you get a printed Guided Scripture Journal.
Fall/College Group Kickoff
Sunday, September 8th. Join us for the start of the fall semester of Sunday School followed by a church picnic.
Sunday, September 8th at 6:00 p.m. Join us for College Group ministry. We will be meeting every 2nd and 4th Sunday this semester. Join us for the kickoff at Joe and Megan Bundy’s in the backyard (506 N. Josephine Ave.). Fellowship at 6:00 p.m. with a meal to follow.
Awana serves to help kids store up God’s word in their hearts. We focus on Scripture memorization, solid Bible teaching, forming discipling relationships, and having fun together. K-5th Graders.
Ladies' Clothing Swap
Saturday, September 7th from 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. at Lauren Schroeder’s house (515 N. Lee Ave). Ladies are welcome to come for this time of fun and fellowship. Bring any clothes you do not want any more (including kids and men’s clothing). Ladies will present their clothing one at a time and anybody there can claim the clothing. Whatever is not claimed will be sent to a donation center. Please organize kids clothes in bags labeled with size and gender. Bring a snack to share if you are able. Contact Erica Burger if you have any questions.
Baby Shower
Saturday, September 7th at 10:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. We will be honoring Abby Chowning and her baby boy, Teddy. Abby is registered at the baby registry on Amazon.
Listen to Our Sermons
Biblical Counseling
Our ministry seeks to provide transformative biblical help to anyone with questions or problems. We believe there is life-changing power in God’s word and in the grace of Jesus Christ. We invite anyone to request an initial counseling session, no matter your religious background or beliefs.

Sunday School